HiveNet – The Next Generation of Cloud Computing!

If earlier, to learn something, people went to the library, now just go to the Internet. Of course, there is still a type of data that has not been digitized and all that they conceal, to be still in the old books. However, I think it will take a few more decades and all our knowledge and experience will be digitized from "A" to "Z". Which I find very convenient. Especially when sitting at home or anywhere else in just a few clicks, you can explore all that you are interested in.


However, at the time of digitization of all our data has become a very big question, where to store them all in such a huge amount?! And then came to the aid of cloud storage aimed at storing various kinds of information, ranging from your personal archives, ending with corporate documents and all kinds of acts, forms and other legal certificates. Despite the fact that this type of direction has become available relatively recently, he managed to prove himself from different sides:
  • First of all, it was quite convenient to use.
  • Secondly, every year the need for a large number of new, additional computing power, which will be able to perform additional work with the processing of information, increases.
  • And, thirdly, the cost of such services from year to year begins to grow stronger. That naturally can have an extremely negative impact on the overall development of this area around the world.

Moreover, of all the existing cloud storage, the most popular belong to such global giants as: Google (GCP), Amazon (AWS), Alibaba and Microsoft. However, despite their power and potential, their storage facilities are experiencing extremely difficult situations. This is especially acute when their potential capacity is rarely used or not used at all. On the basis of this process, there are crazy costs, which in the annual interval result in a very tidy sum. After analyzing this situation in the cloud computing market, the team of today's project came to a completely new and unique conclusion. About which we now with you and talk.

About the project and its features

As I said, a group of experts through small studies came to the following thoughts. Why don't we create a new type of cloud storage?! At the same time to make it much better and more efficient in many technical parameters, as well as to simplify many technical aspects with which you can significantly reduce all Commission costs and other related financial expenses. Strictly speaking, so and originated a unique concept HiveNet. I think many of you have awakened some curiosity to those sides of the project in which they were able to implement the previously listed goals. In fact, the essence of the concept is so simple and at the same time brilliant that the question arises: "why did no one think about it before"?! Really! The essence of the project HiveNet is based on the untapped power of conventional, private computers, which in most cases are idle without action at each of us.
It turns out that the developers HiveNet conducted some analysis and revealed the fact that on average one office computer is idle without much action for about 40 hours a week. Now imagine how many of these computers in the world?! Hundreds of thousands, maybe millions. Against the background of these figures, the founders of HiveNet came up with such a brilliant idea, and why not use all this potential for a new cloud storage. Where each individual computer will be part of one global network, which is under the reliable protection of the blockchain environment.


The emergence of such a project in the market of services is able to rethink some of the current values about the rational and qualitative use of resources, as well as to prevent the further appearance of excess electronic waste. Why? Yes, because HiveNet will use all the unrealized power of all private computers. At what it is not important it will be at you to stand at home or in office, or in any other organization. It is important to note that in order to unite all these computers scattered around the world, the founders of HiveNet chose a decentralized blockchain structure as a kind of technical basis for their cloud storage. After all, with it, you and I can connect to HiveNet regardless of whether we live in Russia or in Italy, and maybe in Canada, India and so on. All we need is to pass an easy registration in the framework of HiveNet and enjoy the additional income that will arise from the rented space of our computer.


To achieve the same flexibility and maximum comfort in using HiveNet, an internal cryptocurrency will help him, which will initially be presented in the form of HiveNet Tokens (HNT). This token will meet the ERC-20 standard, which means that it will be based on the Blockchain Ethereum. As a result, it will allow the HNT token to communicate with a large number of cryptographic wallets, as well as be available on many digital exchanges. It is important to note that the sale of this token will comply with all legal norms and aspects of Germany, which makes it even more attractive as an acquired resource.
In the future, after developing their own blockchain, this token will be converted 1:1 HiveCoin (HVC). The main goal of which will be as fast and safe-use all available currencies around the world in HiveCoin and Vice versa. This procedure will avoid the high Commission costs that could arise due to your geographical location as a member of the cloud storage HiveNet, and the income that you can get for renting the capacity of your computer. In total, the founders HiveNet intend to produce just one billion HiveCoin, which will provide secure and upward price policy of this token for years to come.


Undoubtedly, the structure and features of HiveNet are so versatile and unique that it is difficult to describe them all at once in my review. However, I have tried to explain in detail the essence of this concept, the interest in which you can now satisfy yourself. Just for this, you already need the entire existing Arsenal of official social resources of the project HiveNet. Links which you look forward to already waiting at the end of my article.
As for my opinion, the idea of HiveNet is very interesting to me and I would love to try it out in life. After all, who would not want to receive additional income for what has, but what does not use one hundred percent?! As for me, the answer is obvious –EVERYTHING! So do not miss your chance to get to know this opportunity better.
On this I have perhaps all! Thank you for your attention and see you soon!

The official resources of the project HiveNet:

 MY ETH ADDRESS: 0xeC7D9f98CC8561A9983367488D25d486AE3980a4


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