VIRTUAL PARK - Elements that determine in the trend of the development of VR technology and Augmented Reality

Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about a very interesting and good project that is Virtual Park, and for more details, let's just go to the following discussion:
The VR Park project is a defining element in the development trends of VR technology and augmented reality. The general partner of VR Park is Tesla Suit & HTC Vive, on whose technological and software basis existing interactive zones are built; it has a powerful intellectual base for development, modification and implementation of the declared products on the global VR industry market.
Presently augmented (AR) and virtual reality (VR) is actively taking over the entertainment industry. Thanks to modern technologies, VR provides a completely new kind of interaction with the virtual digital world, bringing this direction to a new level of providing sensations and opportunities for the realization of creative ideas.
The Rockefeller Foundation estimates that the VR industry is likely to form a market with 100 billion annual turnover in the next 5 years. However, one of the key problems hindering the full development of the technology is the lack of quality content for VR equipment.
We ofer a software and hardware solution, that will attract a huge audience around the world, to create and monetize high-quality VR content - the VR Park (Virtual Reality Park) platform.
The platform combines smart VR parks spaces and SDKs for creating VR applications and a repository, so it unites developers and consumers of the content. The platform will be based on the Virtual Park Company technical base, which guarantees the realization of all the most advanced Virtual Reality technologies in the VR Park project.
In addition, work has been carried out on the creation of special SDKs and APIs that would greatly simplify the creation of VR content and its integration, therefore it becomes possible to involve stakeholders in the development of the system. The unique experience of the Virtual Reality Park team helps realize the task. At the end of 2016, the work on technology that allows instantly transferring all human movements to the virtual world began, and after almost two years, the task is being implemented completely and uncompromisingly.
Technological solution of Tesla Suite & HTC Vive is a real breakthrough in the VR industry. Not just a prototype, but a fully working product with a qualitatively new level of user interaction with the virtual world, is available.
In December 2017, our first VR park in St. Petersburg, Virtual Park Company, was launched. In 2017, another 5 franchises were opened in Russia and Europe. Moreover, we have an understanding that our product is in demand throughout Europe and the UAE. Based on this, the plans of the companies VR Park for the next 18 months are the opening of 28 virtual reality parks in Europe, America and the UAE.
To constantly encourage the interest in VR parks from the consumer audience, new game worlds and diferent scenarios for applications are needed. Thus, the network of our own and franchise-open parks will provide a stable basis and will become the first customer of VR applications on the platform, immediately creating financial activity and turnover of fiat money on it. This will also be facilitated by a fund established by the project, which is formed in the amount of 5% of the funds raised during the VR Park ICO campaign, from which third-party VR application developers will be remunerated.
For the development and promotion of the platform on the market, an ICO fundraising campaign is being conducted by VR Park. The VR tokens released during the tokensale process will have the token utility function and serve as an internal calculation tool in the system. About 60 percent of the ICO funds collected during the tokensale will be spent on developing a network of own VR parks, which will significantly increase the overall demand for VR tokens and increase its liquidity, which will subsequently provide an incentive for other participants to join the platform. 
VR Park Mission
VR Park sees its mission in the further development of the VR industry market and its integration with the classic open market in order to improve the quality and distribution of the VR content generated.
That is why we create our multifunctional platform as efcient and convenient for the end user, and also strive to popularize and develop it.
The safety, convenience and efciency of the activities carried out with the help of the VR Park project will not only facilitate the activities of many disabled people, but also give them a positive experience and ultimately make them active participants in creating a bright technological future.
Combining a large number of Tesla Suit & HTC Vive patented hardware and software solutions within a single platform will allow people to easily test various video game innovations and software simulators used for training in various fields of science, thereby providing the users with an understanding of their development strategy and embodying previously unknown experience in their reality.
Capital Distribution
ADVERTISING AND MARKETING - It is planned to spend 10% of the funds raised to popularize the VR Park platform.
PLATFORM SCALING - It is planned to spend 40% of the funds raised for the opening of 28 new VR parks in Europe, America and the UAE.
LEGAL REGULATION - It is planned to spend 3% of the funds raised on legal issues related to the activitiy of the VR Park project.
OPEN SDK DEVELOPMENT - It is planned to spend 5% of the funds raised to develop an open SDK for third-party developers.
VR MARKET - It is planned to spend 15% of the funds raised for the development of VR apps marketplace and the VR Pay module.
VR BODY CONTROL - It is planned to spend 5% of the funds raised to
develop the required VR applications.
APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT - It is planned to spend 20% of the funds raised to develop the required VR applications.
To find more relevant details please follow several sources for the following references:
Bitcointalk username: GAGANGSAPU


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